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The Artis magazine by Zohra Zoberi

The Spotlight Event on February 1 st at the Waterpark Inn in Mississauga was the kick off of
the third issue of The Artis magazine. The art exhibit as well as spoken word, along with the
passionate participantS, namely the brainchild behind the project was none other than my
good friend Ivy Reiss (the Editor) “Words cannot capture to the artists that came and
participated in the event” says Ivy Reiss the enthusiastic editor of the magazine.
Contributors list includes, Laurence Hutchman, Eva Kolacz, Meena Chopra, Alex Nielsen, Nav
Gurm, Ronnie O'Byrne, Amy Mazzuca, Leslie Webb, Donna Langevin, Josie DiSciascio-Andrews,
Zohra Zoberi, Peta-Gaye Nash, Naomi Laufer, and Dave Taylor.
Mind Forward group; also participated to share the ‘vision’. People who are affected ABI (acute
brain injury) in a healthy society are supported in every possible way. With their will power and
encouragement, they can overcome challenges. Heartfelt presentations were made by the
professionals as well as those who suffered the trauma of ABI and made remarkable recovery.
“The most amazing part of the evening was not just the art– which was unbelievably stunning– it
was how we, as a community, bridged a divide between art and science, between the divisions
that exist between all of us, and as a people, we came together through art and created an
incredible harmony and unity that will resonate and not fade soon. On Thursday February 01st
we made a real difference, and I am honoured to have been a part of that”.
The event was also attended by Mike Douglas, the Executive Director of Mississauga Art
Council, MPP Kevin Flynn.

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